#LTHEchat No 47 02 March Dr. Sam Illingworth (@samillingworth ): Interdisciplinarity in HE learning and teaching

Interdisciplinarity is a an important construct in terms of advancing research and knowledge. Working with multidisciplinary teams allows for a sharing of expertise in a natural and meaningful way, but do we always do this in our teaching?

Do our universities allow for genuinely innovative interdisciplinary learning, and to what extent are our teaching practices putting our students into the same silos that we are hemmed into ourselves as teachers and learners? This Tweetchat aims to raise some of these issues, and by the very nature of the community will itself be a smorgasbord of interdisciplinarity.

If you are reflecting on this specific #LTHEchat in your blog or anywhere in social media please share your post with us so that we can reblog.

If you participated/are participating in any way in the #LTHEchat, please complete our short survey and let us know if you have other suggestions on how we could make the #LTHEchat more valuable for you. Thank you.

See you Wednesday, same time, same place 😉 – 8-9PM GMT Follow the hashtag and include it in your tweets to be part of the conversation #LTHEchat

The storify is available here.

The LTHEchat team
ps. If you would  like to become part of a future organising team, please get in touch with us via Twitter @LTHEchat 

About Stephen Powell

Academic Developer, Manchester Metropolitan University
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2 Responses to #LTHEchat No 47 02 March Dr. Sam Illingworth (@samillingworth ): Interdisciplinarity in HE learning and teaching

  1. Pingback: My CPD in 2016: Part 2 #LTHEChat – Fresh and Crispy

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