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our Debbie Baff (@debbaff) with her brand new #LTHEchat mug 😉

Make somebody smile 😉

Our artist Ellie Hannan, from CELT MMU, has created some further artwork based on the #LTHEchat bird we can all use a create personalised items for others and ourselves. This idea came from the #LTHEchat community during a recent chat. So thank you all for this suggestion.


bird #LTHEchat_blue bird #LTHEchat_pink Feel free to download your png Twitter bird(s)  to create a personalised mug, t-shirt, phone cover or even a massive poster. I am sure you will have loads of ideas 😉 There are many sites on the web where you can create personalised items and there might be even a shop nearer to home or in your institution. Debbie kindly trialed the process and we are including her brand new mug below. [add image here] We would love to see your creations with you using them. Please share a pic or two when you have created your special #LTHEchat item(s).

If you are a Golden Tweet Award Winner, your golden bird will be emailed to you.


We wish you a wonderful festive break! And see you again in the New Year with more exciting news and chats. 

The #LTHEchat steering group and current organising team


Remember those who need help. Consider giving to a charity! image source here